Thursday, September 8, 2011

Set ACTION goals NOT end result goals...

Set yourself up for SUCCESS not defeat!

Setting a goal like, "I will lose 5 pounds in 3 weeks" focuses on the end result but there are no set actions in place to reach that set goal.
So, what typically happens? No modifications are made and the goal is NOT met. This results in feelings of failure - gilt creeps in, self worth declines and you'll probably go and EAT!!!! No bueno!

This is the PROBLEM!

Instead - set ACTION goals!
   "I will walk for 30 minutes every day for the next 3-weeks."
   "I will do Gemma's 10-minute leg workout video on facebook every other day for the next 3 weeks."
   "I will not drink wine for 3 weeks."

These are ACTIONS that you control. YOU are able to see your triumph over these each and every day, thus feeding your sense of accomplishment, self worth and success.

At the end of 3 weeks you can view all your successes and feel great about yourself.
This is a good thing.

We all need a little more 'feel good'!

So let's ALL set ACTION goals that we control and set ourselves up to succeed in every goal we set.

...Some quotes that inspired this post: From Living With Joy by Sanaya Roman

"Create something that is delightful tomorrow - one small step, or one small point of action that will bring you one step closer to your goal."

"The mind likes to have a sense that it has accomplished things; you must keep it satisfied."

"When your emotions are heavy and sad or negative, the aura around your body is dense. It's like driving with a dirty windshield.  You can not see clearly or far."

"...change is much more involved that simply asking for something and having it. You may need to go inward, expand your faith and trust, and open your heart...You also need to let go of many old images about who you are."